Sunday, July 29, 2007

An almost perfect day

We never should have come home tonight...

Before we came home, Erin, Gavin and I had a wonderful day. It was so beautiful outside today, that we decided to drive over Hatchers Pass. We started from Willow and drove over the pass...and it was such a pretty drive. Gavin slept pretty much the whole way and finally woke up when we got to Summit Lake. It was a nice chance for Erin and I to visit, especially since he's been working such long hours the past week.

During our stop at Summit Lake, we were able to watch some parasailers (I think that's what they were!). Gavin was in awe, he really enjoyed himself, except for the fact that it was just a little nippy up there. I was also able to take some pictures...But realized after we left that I never took a picture of the three of us together.

Things were still okay when we got home, but they heated up when Erin's parents came home.
Gavin has been doing wonderful at throwing grade A tantrums. At least Erin and I think they are tantrums. Evidently Erin's parents think otherwise. The subject of autism was brought up...again. While I won't go into specifics about what was said, (or yelled, I should say) I will say that tonight I realized that my father in law does not like me too much and nothing I can do will please him. Anyway, they both feel that these are not tantrums, but a sign of autism. I have spoken with Gavin's doctor, hearing doctor and 3 women from the infant learning program (who specialize in working with children that have developmental delays, including autism) and they have all said that Gavin just has a speech delay. Which is perfectly normal for a child with mild hearing loss. Gavin has also had a developmental assessment and scored high scores except for expressive language (speech) and did not have problems in the areas that are typically flagged for autism. None of this matters to my inlaws. It's almost as if, until he receives a diagnosis of autism, they won't let this die. It hurts me, it hurts Erin and I know that all of this tension is hurting Gavin. I honestly don't know what to do. If we could move out right now, we'd be gone already. I've had enough. This makes me feel that I am not a good mother and that I am not doing what is best for my son.
If anyone has any advice on autism or temper tantrums, please share. I know that I will get through this, it's just waiting for it to pass that is so darn hard.


Belle Etoile said...

If you've had health professionals already confirm that it's NOT autism, then there's nothing more you can do except for to ignore comments stating otherwise. I know it's hard to do, but it will relieve some of the tension for Gavin. As for the tantrums, we always have Sophia sit by herself somewhere quiet until she's decided she's done. Terrible twos...

4theloveofmyfamily said...

Thanks Katie. I spoke with a woman from the infant learning program this morning and she told me that I am doing the right thing. Gavin just needs limits. He is so used to getting what he wants, when he wants that when he can't have something, it gets ugly. I know it'll take time, but things will get better.

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